Because I have Lupus, my skin is very sensitive to products I use. That is one of the reasons why I love Posh so much. Its made a huge difference with skin issues caused by my Lupus. Posh products are also really good for people who suffer from psoriasis and eczema, as well.
To order Perfectly Posh Products, go to and find your favorites!!!

The Stripper is a charcoal based detox body and face mud. Charcoal absorbs over 1000 times its weight and removes toxins directly from your skin. Its a great way to rid your self of toxins and free radicals and leaves your face feeling refreshed, clean and soft!

Due to my Lupus issues, my scalp gets overly itchy  I actually use this product and rub it into my scalp, then let dry for about 5-10 minutes, then wash off in the shower.  Itchiness is gone and lasts throughout the day!

When my skin gets scaly or itchy all over, I will also use the Stripper. I recommend only using it for a few minutes on your face at first, as some people are sensitive to the detox properties of this product and redness may occur, but does go away. It leaves your skin feeling SO soft which is nice for Lupus sufferers.

I've also used the Stripper to get rid of poison ivy! What a life savor it was and stopped my itching immediately!

Skin Sticks - These have been a life saver! These are shea butter based skin sticks which are VERY healing to your skin. If you research shea butter, you will find that it is a natural sunscreen, has many healing properties, stops the "itchies" and soothes your skin. She Butter will also NOT clog your pores, so it is great to use on your face!

These sticks are easy to use and I keep them both in my purse and a set by my bed to use at night.

The HEALER is just shea butter with essential oils and can be used on just about any skin issue you have. Great for spot touch ups when you are out and about and need a quick fix on a problem area. Great for lips, too. Also works wonders on Eczema and Psoriasis.

The CAFFEINATOR is She Butter and Caffeine. Great to use under your eyes and over any puffy areas on your face. Many people with Lupus look and feel tired and this will help to brighten up your appearance.

The PURIFIER is one of my favorites and contains Shea Butter and Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is a natural antiseptic. Use on itchy spots on your scalp, works great on getting rid of acne and cold sores. Its also good if you have oily spots on your face. 

The LIBERATOR is Shea Butter and Vitamin E. This will not only help with fine lines and wrinkles, but with any scars you may have or scabby areas. use all over your face before you go to bed and you'll notice a huge difference in the morning when you wake up in the appearance of your Lupus Skin. It has helped me greatly.

The TREE HUGGER D-TOX Exfoliating Scrub

Before you put on any type of lotion, its really important to remember that your lotion needs to penetrate your skin to do its job. Exfoliating Lups Skin periodically will make a huge difference in not only how your skin looks, but mostly in how it feels. You'll notice less itchiness and your lotions works better. 

Perfectly Posh has 3 great exfoliating scrubs. This one is my favorite!

KARMA BODY WASH - Sulphate Free Body Wash (need I say more?) This can also be used as a shampoo! 

LEMON RICE SLATHER BODY BUTTER - This is a whipped Shea Body Butter that I use every day. Its free of fillers and will help heal your skin. I also use it on my face at night and during the day. This is very different than using a lotion. It is thicker and only needs to be applied once. A little goes a long way. My skin feels moisturized, without being greasy and has really helped with my Malar rashes, which sometimes feel like they are burning.

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